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March 2019 Monthly Archives

a lady looking in the mirror at her acne scarring

Treating acne scarring for skin rejuvenation

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Beating acne is so empowering, and you can feel like the victory is all yours. Problematic skin, congested pores, and excessive oil production have all been treated and now you’re left with healthy and even-toned skin. But then, what if you notice some acne scarring and you feel like the win has been taken from… Continue reading >>

Categories: Skin Health.
a lady receiving dermal fillers in her lips

How dermal fillers can be used as ‘tweakments’

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Dermal fillers have been associated with media personalities and celebrities for a long time, but their results don’t have to be stark changes and differences to your natural facial structure. In fact, dermal fillers can enhance your natural beauty without being too altogether visible. This has been dubbed the rise ‘tweakments’, where you’d just like… Continue reading >>

Categories: Dermal Filler.

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