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Can lip fillers look natural?

a lady with full lips after lip fillers

Lip fillers are often wrongly associated with the over-filled and all too noticeable pouts of some reality television stars and personalities. The term ‘lip fillers’ has almost become synonymous with lips that don’t look or move naturally, but Skin Solutions would like to clear some things up for you. Lip fillers can look natural when they are performed by a skilled hand and in when the balance of the rest of your face is taken into account. Here’s how Independent Nurse Prescriber Karen Burgess creates natural-looking lip fillers.

Balancing your features

When we perform lip fillers, we take into account the rest of your facial balance and features. How your face is naturally centred and composed will influence our approach to your fillers, because it will not only influence how much we recommend injecting but also where we inject. Sometimes, natural-looking lip filler helps to balance the lower portion of your face, as it draws the lips back into perspective with jaw, nose, and chin.


Your natural lip shape

Lip fillers will also look natural when they adhere to your lip shape. Granted, we can help lift the borders of the lip or create a little more contour but adhering to your natural lip shape allows us to more naturally augment it. Adding volume and creating borders does not necessarily mean altering its shape, but more your lips’ symmetry and fullness.


Where we place the dermal fillers

If you’re seeking fuller-looking lips, you might not necessarily need more filler, but rather you need it placing in strategic points. A natural-looking fuller pout doesn’t just entail adding volume to the entire lip, but instead it requires adding volume in points such as the cupid’s bow and lip corners. This helps to give a fuller appearance without plumping the lip tissue itself too much.


Lip fillers aren’t just about volume

Lip fillers aren’t just about adding volume to your lips, and often the best lip fillers are undetectable to those who don’t have a trained eye for them. For example, if you would like to enhance your cupid’s bow as you believe your profile view of your face is a little flat, we can do this. If your upper lip doesn’t have much projection, we can also inject into the philtrum, the two lines that come down from your nose to your cupid’s bow. This helps to hold your upper lip outwards somewhat, adding a bit more projection and definition but not necessarily plumping.


Bad lip fillers are noticeable, good fillers aren’t

Bad lip fillers will be easily noticeable, and this is why the treatment has become synonymous with unnatural looking results. ‘Good’ lip filler results aren’t that detectable, because they look so natural! There are probably countless celebrities and even our own peers that receive aesthetic treatments like this but we do not know, instead we just think they look fresher. Lip fillers don’t have to be about volume, the treatment can refresh ageing lips or sculpt thin lips rather than just making them bigger.


If you’re seeking subtle-looking lip fillers, visit Skin Solutions in High Peak, Derbyshire. Book your consultation today on 07809 492 356 to find out more about your personalised treatment journey.

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