Dermal fillers have become an increasingly popular treatment in the last few years as an effective solution for the correction of deep lines and wrinkles. They can add volume and definition to smaller, more targeted areas of the face and are used in lip enhancement treatments as well as the reduction of acne scarring. Advances in product development, safety and longevity have led to this area of non-surgical cosmetics playing an increasingly important role in helping to create a youthful appearance. With many treatment options available, it may become confusing so we at Skin Solutions in the High Peak and Bakewell have created an FAQ prior to you having your treatment with us.
What are Dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are an injectable gel like substance that contain hyaluronic acid which is a natural occurring sugar within the skin which the filler itself contains. This particular acid is essential to your skin as it creates bounce and firmness, which is why dermal fillers are effective in volume because the sugar occurs naturally within the body and your skin will accept the dermal filler with ease.
Are they temporary or permanent?
Often confused with permanent dermal fillers which use silicon, injectable dermal fillers which contain the acid are not permanent. Permanent dermal fillers are not buildable, which means they cannot be amended or customised and also come with serious risks to health. Temporary dermal fillers naturally dissolve n your skin over time exactly how your acid reserves do which is a natural process.
What areas can dermal fillers treat?
One of the reasons dermal fillers have risen to rapid popularity is because of their versatility where as many other non-surgical treatments rely on their ability to simply reshape and volumize. You can use dermal fillers for:
- Smoothening wrinkles
- Lines at the corner of the eyes
- Frown lines between eyebrows
- Lip enhancement
- Adding volume to the lip
- Filling acne and other scars
- Filling sunken cheeks and weak chins
When can I see my results?
The results are usually seen almost immediately after your treatment has been completed. Typically, a treatment will roughly be around 45 minutes to an hour.
Any aftercare procedures?
Ensuring the correct aftercare practice is extremely important as how you care for the treated area will determine the success rate and length of your results. The team here at Skin Solutions would recommend you avoid rubbing the treated area for at least 24 hours and if possible, to avoid any form of exercises for at least 24 hours.
If you’re interested in having any form of dermal fillers, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with the team here at Skin Solutions, your local clinic in The High Peak and Bakewell.