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Top o th plane, Ashbourne Lane
High Peak SK23 9UG

Summer pending…

PROTECT and ENHANCE your skin this summer.

The Skin Solutions Way.

With summer around the corner we all would love to have that natural glow, without the need for makeup.

Now makeup is great, makeup is powerful. And there’s times we want to feel dressed up. However in summer, why should we have to wear layers of foundation and sweat it off?

Why not invest in your own skin, to be the best that it can be. And then ENJOY your holiday, with fresh and free skin.

Not just the feel good aspect do we LOVE here at Skin Solutions Clinic, but SPF for your skin is a necessity this summer.

SPF prevents UVA damage to your skin which stops ageing, pigmentation and other more severe cases such as skin cancer.

Wearing SPF does not stop tanning, which is a common myth. SPF stops the harsh UV rays from burning your skin and creating these unpleasant skin effects.

So what do you choose?

Here at Skin Solutions Clinic we have our Daily SPF moisturiser within our skin care range available through our clinic.

Reach out to us if you would like to discuss the best options for YOUR skin this summer!

To find out more email us