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Suncream, important or not?

So, with the beauty market growing by the hour, quite literally! We here at Skin Solutions clinic thought we would discuss a market in which is worth over 2020m US Dollars worldwide (Statista, 2021).

Now the skincare market is also one in which there is a lot of controversy over whether products actually work and perform in protecting skin, or bettering skin. However, with the scientific knowledge behind suncream you as consumers should have the right to know if and how it works! 

Suncream, for being such a simple, relatively cheap and quick option it has so many benefits. 

When used every day with a generous layer to where the skin is exposed suncream can provide: 

  • Can decrease your risk of skin cancers and precancers. Infact using SPF 15 each day can reduce your risk of squamous cell carcinoma by 40% as well as lowering your chances of melanoma by 50%. 
  • If reducing cancers wasn’t enough, it can also reduce ageing, dark spots and sagging of the skin.
  • Not only this, SPF can be hydrating for the skin especially when used in moisturisers and makeup, its an easy way to get suncream into your daily routine!

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