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The power of light in your skincare routine.

a lady looking in the mirror at her acne scarring

If you are happy with a regular skincare routine, and you feel it works for you, then there is no need to read further!

But for you skincare addicts that want to try the next best thing, I would suggest you keep on reading.

LED light therapy lights can really transform your routine, and target areas you never thought you could improve.

Want to know what LED light therapy can help with?

Keeping reading…

Fine lines & wrinkles

Red and Near-Infrared wavelengths stimulate the mitochondria of fibroblast cells which causes the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Acne & Blemishes

Blue light is a clinically proven, as it stops the proliferation of the P.acnes bacterial cells. Naturally occurring photosensitisters within acne causing bacteria (P.acnes) absorb the specific wavelength of 415nm blue light, causing cell destruction.

Redness/ Erythema

The combination of blue and green light can reduce redness, inflammation and promote cell turnover.

Loss of firmness & dullness

Red light can help with firmness. It stimulates the mitochondria of fibroblast cells, increasing collagen and elastin proteins. Whereas green light can improve the dullness of your skin, promoting the formation of new blood vessels.

Uneven skintone & hyperpigmentation

Green light shows that it breaks down the production of melanin, and increases cell turnover to shed the hyper pigmented layer faster.

Bruising and Scarring & Post procedure reformation

Right light has shown to speed up the process of bruising, generating the production of collagen, in order to speed up wound heeling and thickening the scar tissue.

Sun Spots

Green light breaks down the melanin in the skins epidermal layer, whilst shedding the pigmented layer faster.


Blue light has shown to regulate sebum production by influencing the proliferation of human sebocytes and thus down regulating lipid production.

So as you can see, there are LOTS of areas that LED light therapy can help with. And as you can imagine it is an investment piece that you can use for a variety of areas.

To find out more call us on 07809 492 356 or email us