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Top o th plane, Ashbourne Lane
High Peak SK23 9UG
Even after the first treatment I could feel and see the difference in the smoothness of my skin. I rarely used sun protection on my face and was shocked to see the damage. Fiona, High Peak


The Perfect Peel is a brand new type of chemical peel, first launched in America and now finally available in the UK. Skin Solutions Clinic is one of the first certified clinics in the UK to use this ground-breaking chemical peel treatment. Karen Burgess BSc (hons) is proud to be one of the few nurse practitioners in the UK to be offering this revolutionary chemical peel to her clients.

Created in none other than Beverley Hills, the home of cosmetic aesthetics, this new chemical peel has many advantages over older chemical peels in that it is painless, doesn’t require weeks of preparation to the skin before treatment and is considered safer on the skin. It is suited to all skin types.

The Perfect Peel reviews

The Perfect Peel comes with many positive reviews from America and now too in the UK, including those from Karen’s own clients. It has been proven to even out skin tone by lightening melasma, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation, as well as reducing fine lines and acne scars leading to an all-over radiance and glow to the skin.

For deeper acne scarring more than one treatment may be required or an alternative treatment may be suggested by Karen Burgess BSc (hons); one which is more suited to your particular skin. There are two types of The Perfect Peel; The Perfect Peel and The Perfect Peel Booster containing a higher concentration of active ingredients. Karen will discuss the benefits and expectations of each before choosing the correct treatment for you.


  • What makes The Perfect Peel so effective?

    The Perfect Peel is the first chemical peel to include Glutathione which is described as being one of the most powerful antioxidants.

    Glutathione is produced naturally in the body. It has become very popular in cosmetics recently. Milk thistle supplement possesses this detoxifying ingredient. As well as a powerful antioxidant, Glutathione is proven to reduce dark pigmentation. The Perfect Peel also contains Kojic acid, TCA, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, and a blend of minerals and vitamins, including vitamin C. Kojic acid is a powerful lightening agent and has been proven to increase collagen and elastin production, resulting in skin that is brighter and tighter. TCA, phenol and retinoic acid reduce wrinkles and help correct pigment problems, while salicylic acid exfoliates the skin and reduces inflammation. Alone the ingredients are powerful, but in combination they produce great results.

  • How long does it take?

    Taking just 5-7 days from treatment to conclusion, The Perfect Peel is one of the most effective chemical peels now on the market. It is effective without any pain and only very little discomfort, which is mainly due to the skin itching as it begins the healing process.

    The Perfect Peel works by penetrating the epidermis and over a 4-5 day period the face gradually peels away to reveal new and brighter skin underneath. The treatment itself has been described as quite relaxing and takes only 15 minutes.

    This consists of cleaning the skin thoroughly and then applying The Perfect Peel. Once the treatment is complete you will notice a slight yellow tone to your skin with some shine but certainly not showing any sign of peeling or reaction at this point. Day 3 is the day when most clients report their skin begins to peel. Like clockwork then, you’re able to plan your days ahead.

  • Downtime?

    Unless you purposely want to scare your work colleagues by turning up for work with a peeling face, it is advised to take some time off. If timed correctly and dependant on your own skin type this could be just 3-4 days and allowing the weekend to complete the transformation. The worst-case scenario would be a slightly pink face on your return to work with some minor peeling around the edges of your face. This could be easily hidden with some moisturiser and light make-up or with the excuse of slight sunburn.

    As with all the treatments available at Skin Solutions Clinic, Karen Burgess BSc (hons) has undertaken advanced training to perform this chemical peel to provide optimum results for her clients, ensuring the safest methods. Whilst not at all invasive or painful The Perfect Peel contains strong ingredients and is always advised to be performed in the safe and experienced hands of a fully trained practitioner with the assurance of after-care.

  • When will I see results?

    Results will be noticeable as soon as the peeling process is complete and will continue to improve in the following days and weeks.

  • How long will it last?

    This is dependent on skin condition, skin type, sun damage etc but advice will be given at the point of consultation with most people seeing benefits for many months after the peel.

  • Is it painful?

    The Perfect Peel is not painful at all. The treatment itself has been described as quite relaxing and maybe slightly tingly.

  • Post treatment?

    Post treatment you will go through stages of looking slightly pink followed by a successive peel resulting in further redness. Uniquely the first 1-2 days of the peel are the least noticeable. You will also experience itchy skin which is easily tolerated and controlled.

  • How much does it cost?

    £350 - Price list

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