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I have been a client of Karen’s for many years now and have always found her to be very professional, honest, accommodating and really kind and caring. Lisa, Bakewell


Acne Vulgaris, or acne for short, is a skin condition with varying severity and classifications from mild to severe. It can produce spots, blemishes and scars of all shapes and sizes and so each client’s skin condition is unique.

Acne scarring can be difficult to live with, affecting your general wellbeing and social interaction with other people. Acne breakouts from your youth, or even occurring in older age, may result in permanent scarring to your face. These scars range from mild blemishes to deep scarring known as ‘ice pick’ scarring. For men, this can be particularly challenging as they are less likely to confidently conceal any scarring and blemishes under makeup.

The acne scar develops from an abnormal type of healing following a dermal inflammation. Dermal inflammation leads to either excess collagen deposits or collagen loss at the site of the acne lesion. Blemishes and pigmentation occurs when the inflammation stimulates the skin into producing too much melanin. This situation is known as ‘Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation’ or PIH for short.

At Skin Solutions Clinic, Karen Burgess BSc (hons) has a proven track record for the successful treatment and reduction of acne scarring and blemishes. One treatment, which is particularly suited to reducing the blemishes resulting from acne is ‘Intense Pulse Light therapy’, or IPL for short. IPL is widely accepted within the cosmetic industry to be one of the most successful treatments for the reduction of acne blemishes.

IPL works by specifically targeting the pigmentation of scarring and blemishes with short pulses of light in a range of different wavelengths. The IPL penetrates just below the skin’s surface, purposely damaging the skin to activate a healing process. The body repairs the intended, controlled damage to the skin, leaving you with a much more even skin tone. IPL treatments can reduce the redness associated with acne scarring but not the scarring, so a combination of different treatments may be discussed to suit your particular skin condition during your in-depth consultation.

In the case of ‘ice pick’ scarring, where acne has left deep depressions in the skin, these blemishes can be successfully treated with Dermal fillers.

The most effective treatment suited to acne scarring with shallow to moderate depressions is the dermaroller. This simple and extremely effective treatment is based on an old Chinese method known as needling, whereby a small roller containing lots of fine needles is rolled over the skin to create controlled micro-injuries. Dermaroller treatment is one of the least invasive and safest treatments available. It also causes minimal downtime. A series of treatments will be required. Karen now uses a more advanced and pain free method of dermaroller known as dermapen. The speed and depth of penetration of this device is controlled and accurate, resulting in a much-improved outcome.

Other valuable options for the treatment of mild acne, and in particular PIH, are Obagi NuDerm (topical cream) and The Perfect Peel (chemical peel).

Karen Burgess BSc (hons) offers a no obligation consultation in complete privacy where you can discuss the most appropriate treatment based on your individual needs.

To find out more email us